Common Causes of Middle Back Pain


Middle back pain affects the thoracic spine, which is located behind the neck and above the bottom of the rib cage. This area contains 12 backbones, known as vertebrae T1 through T12. Disks are situated between them.

The spinal column protects the spinal cord. The spinal cord is a lengthy bundle of nerves that connects the brain to the rest of your body.

The spine's bones, muscles, ligaments, and disks can irritate or harm nerves in a variety of ways, resulting in back pain.

Symptoms of middle back pain

Middle back pain can present with a variety of symptoms. Symptoms vary depending on the source of your discomfort. Some of the most prevalent symptoms of mid-back discomfort are:

  • muscle pain

  • dull pain

  • muscle tightness or stiffness

  • sharp or stabbing pain

  • a burning sensation

Other more serious symptoms may include:

  • chest pain

  • tingling or numbness in the legs, arms, or chest

  • loss of bowel or bladder control

  • weakness in the legs or arms

Causes of middle back pain

1. Poor posture

Repeated pressure on the spine can cause mid back pain. Poor posture might also be the source of this pressure. When you slouch, your back's muscles and ligaments work hard to keep you balanced. Overworking these muscles might cause aches and pains in the middle back.

2. Obesity

A meta-analysis of 95 research on weight and lower back pain found a favorable relationship between obesity and back pain. The risk of back pain increases with weight gain.

3. Muscle sprain or strain

Sprains are the ripping or stretching of a ligament. Strains occur when muscles and tendons rupture or stretch. Regularly lifting large objects, especially without good form, can quickly result in a back sprain or strain. Sprains and strains might also result from an awkward, rapid movement.

4. Fall or other injury

The middle back is less susceptible to damage than the cervical spine (neck) and lumbar spine (lower back). This is due to its increased structure and rigidity. However, it is possible to harm the middle back. Most of these injuries are caused by:

  • a car accident

  • sports accident

  • a hard fall, like down the stairs or from a height

  • blunt force trauma

Anyone can get a thoracic spine injury, but the elderly are particularly vulnerable. If you have back pain as a result of this incident, seek medical attention right once.

5. Herniated disk

A herniated disk happens when the inner, gel-like core of a disk in your back pushes against the outer ring of cartilage, causing pressure on a nerve. Herniated disks are sometimes known as slipping discs or ruptured disks.

This strain on the nerve can cause pain, tingling, or numbness in the middle back and places where the nerve travels, such as the legs.

6. Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint condition. It occurs when the cartilage that protects your joints deteriorates, causing bones to rub together. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), OA affects 30 million adults in the United States. It is the main cause of disability among adult Americans.

7. Aging

Back discomfort is more common as people age. According to the American Association of Retired Persons, back discomfort is most common among people aged 30 to 50. The aging process gradually wears on the body, resulting in bone weakening, muscle mass loss, and a decline in fluid between spinal joints. All of these things can result in back pain.

8. Fractures

Vertebrae fractures are common following trauma, such as a fall, automobile accident, or sports injury. Fractures are also more common among patients who have low bone density, such as those with OA.

Fractures can produce intense discomfort in the middle back, which worsens when you move. If you're having incontinence, tingling, or numbness, your fracture could be affecting your spinal cord as well.

Fractures or bone breaks can cause serious injuries. They frequently require rapid treatment. Wearing a brace, going to physical therapy, and even surgery are all possible treatment options.
