5 Tips on How to Prepare Your Child for the First Orthodontist Visit


It is not uncommon to notice your child's anxiety when they learn they have an orthodontist appointment coming up. They may react with a range of emotions, including fear, confusion, and, in some cases, shame. This is completely normal.

Communication and understanding are essential in preparing your child for the orthodontist and making them less fearful. The more assurance, education, and assistance you can offer, the better.

Of course, your specific conversation with your child and how in-depth you go will depend on their age and the treatment you anticipate they will require.

Here are some tips that will help you to prepare your child for their orthodontist appointment

1. Explain clearly the need for the appointment.

It is beneficial for your child to understand why he or she is visiting the orthodontist. To improve your child's smile to be healthier, happier, and more confident, orthodontists may recommend braces and Invisalign to treat misaligned teeth or imbalanced jaw structures. Inform your child that the sooner they see an orthodontist, the less time treatment will take.

2. Encourage your child that they are not alone.

Most children have a friend, sibling, cousin, or someone they know from school who has had orthodontic treatment. Assure your child that this is a common thing for children their age.

3. Share what to expect at that first orthodontist appointment.

The first visit will include an oral examination, digital X-ray photos, and a discussion of treatment options. X-rays allow orthodontists to see what's going on beneath the gums, the position and growth of bones and joints, and the location of any teeth that are still beneath the gum line. Then, if the doctor believes it is time — and you believe you are ready — we can often begin treatment the same day.

4. Meet your orthodontist.

Explain to your kid that an orthodontist is similar to a dentist but has three years of additional training after graduating from dental school. They are specialists who diagnose, prevent, and treat various dental issues that will benefit your child's health, appearance, development, and comfort. In a nutshell, they are the experts in teeth straightening and creating beautiful smiles.

5. Introduce the treatment options.

Before visiting the kids’ orthodontist, consider various orthodontic treatment options. While we may or may not begin these treatments right away, the information can still be beneficial to children. Among the most popular treatments are:


Invisalign straightens your teeth without wires or brackets by using a series of clear, customized, removable aligners. Orthodontists create a new set of aligners every one to two weeks to gradually move your teeth into proper alignment. Many patients enjoy being able to simply take off the aligners for eating, brushing, and flossing without drawing unwanted attention to their teeth along the way.

Traditional braces

Braces use constant, gentle pressure to move teeth into their proper positions gradually. Braces have two main components: 

  • brackets on your teeth

  • a main archwire to connect them. 

The doctor first attaches clear or metal brackets to each tooth, then threads wire strings through the brackets to move teeth into proper alignment.

Palatal expander

To widen the upper jaw, the palatal expander appliance applies gentle pressure to the upper molars.

Quad helix

This appliance, like the expander, uses four springs to widen the arch of the mouth to make room for crowded teeth. The Quad Helix is also capable of correcting posterior crossbites.

Lip bumper

In some cases, a lip bumper appliance may be used to move the molars back and make room for the lower teeth.

The doctor will want to choose the best treatment plan for your child at the first orthodontist appointment, either straight away or later. Their main goal is to make all of your visits enjoyable, informative, and productive—and, ultimately, to provide you with a happier and healthier smile.
