5 Habits That Can Seriously Harm Your Teeth


Your teeth play a crucial role in your daily life, from helping you enjoy your meals to giving you a confident smile. However, some habits can put your dental health at risk. While breaking these habits can be challenging, it's essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Let's explore five common habits that can seriously harm your teeth and some tips on how to address them.

1. Using cough drops and throat lozenges

Cough drops and throat lozenges might seem harmless, but they can be detrimental to your dental health. These seemingly soothing candies are often high in sugar, which feeds the bacteria in your mouth, leading to plaque formation. As the plaque accumulates, it can turn into acid, eroding your tooth enamel and setting the stage for tooth decay.

If you need to soothe a sore throat, opt for sugar-free varieties of cough drops or lozenges. After using them, rinse your mouth with water to help remove any residual sugars. Maintaining good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly can also counteract the effects of these sweet treats.

2. Sipping on soda all-day

Soda, both regular and diet, is a common culprit behind dental issues. Regular soda is packed with sugar, while diet soda contains harmful artificial sweeteners. Consuming sugary drinks continuously exposes your teeth to acid attacks, as the bacteria in your mouth feed on the sugars and produce acids that erode your enamel.

If you can't resist the occasional soda, it's best to enjoy it with a meal rather than sipping it throughout the day. This minimizes the time your teeth are exposed to acid. Afterward, be sure to brush your teeth to remove any residual sugars.

3. Teeth grinding (bruxism)

Teeth grinding, or bruxism is a common subconscious habit that takes place largely during sleep. This is something that's hard to overcome and can cause serious damage to your teeth, such as enamel loss, fractures, and fissures.

If you suspect that you grind your teeth, especially at night, consider consulting a dentist or googling “TMJ treatment near me”. A dentist who is also an experienced TMJ specialist can provide you with a custom-fit mouthguard, which acts as a protective barrier between your teeth, preventing damage from grinding and clenching.

4. Excessive consumption of sports drinks

While sports drinks are promoted to offer an energy boost, they often come with excessive amounts of sugar. Continuous intake of these beverages might cause tooth decay and enamel deterioration.

Consider switching to water if you rely on sports drinks for hydration. Water not only keeps you hydrated, but it also aids in the removal of food particles and sugars that can hurt your teeth. Water consumption should also be a regular component of your workout routine.

5. Smoking cigarettes

Smoking is not only bad for your overall well-being, but it is also detrimental for your oral health. It can cause persistent ulcers and sores in your mouth, as well as gum disease and missing teeth.

The most effective strategy to safeguard your oral health is to give up smoking. While it might be difficult, the long-term advantages for your teeth, gums, and overall health are substantial. Consult a healthcare expert or a support group to assist you in your efforts to quit smoking.

The bottom line 

Maintaining good oral health is critical to your overall health. Breaking bad habits that might hurt your teeth is an important step toward accomplishing this goal. If you're having problems with your teeth or are concerned about your oral health, don't be afraid to seek advice and treatment from a dentist. Your future self will thank you for taking care of your teeth today.
